Countries to be compared
Here you may choose the countreis you will work with and which curves will appear in the graphs.
Reference country
Some graphs work with one exceptional country where all other countries are compared to. This country is called the reference country.
The reference country is automatically added to the countries to be compared.
Albania (al)
Andorra (ad)
Austria (at)
Belarus (by)
Belgium (be)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (ba)
Bulgaria (bg)
Croatia (hr)
Cyprus (cy)
Czech republic (cz)
Denmark (dk)
Estonia (ee)
Finland (fi)
France (fr)
Germany (de)
Greece (gr)
Hungary (hu)
Iceland (is)
Ireland (ie)
Italy (it)
Kosovo (xk)
Latvia (lv)
Liechtenstein (li)
Lithuania (lt)
Luxembourg (lu)
Malta (mt)
Moldova (md)
Monaco (mc)
Montenegro (me)
Netherlands (nl)
North Macedonia (mk)
Norway (no)
Poland (pl)
Portugal (pt)
Romania (ro)
Russia (ru)
San Marino (sm)
Serbia (rs)
Slovakia (sk)
Slovenia (si)
Spain (es)
Sweden (se)
Switzerland (ch)
Ukraine (ua)
United kingdom (uk)
Argentina (ar)
Belize (bz)
Bolivia (bo)
Brazil (br)
Canada (ca)
Chile (cl)
Colombia (co)
Costa Rica (cr)
Ecuador (ec)
El Salvador (sv)
Guatemala (gt)
Guyana (gy)
Honduras (hn)
Mexico (mx)
Nicaragua (ni)
Panama (pa)
Paraguay (py)
Peru (pe)
Suriname (sr)
United states (us)
Uruguay (uy)
Venezuela (ve)
India (in)
Israel (il)
Japan (jp)
Singapore (sg)
South Korea (kr)
Turkey (tr)
Australia (au)
New Zealand (nz)
Egypt (et)
South Africa (za)
Jihočeský kraj (cz_jihocesky)
Jihomoravský kraj (cz_jihomoravsky)
Karlovarský kraj (cz_karlovarsky)
Královehradecký kraj (cz_kralovehradecky)
Liberecký kraj (cz_liberecky)
Moravskoslezský kraj (cz_moravskoslezsky)
Olomoucký kraj (cz_olomoucky)
Pardubický kraj (cz_pardubicky)
Plzeňský kraj (cz_plzensky)
Prague (cz_praha)
Středočeský kraj (cz_stredocesky)
Sum of all regions (cz_soucet)
Ústecký kraj (cz_ustecky)
Vysočina (cz_vysocina)
Zlínský kraj (cz_zlinsky)
California (us_ca)
Florida (us_fl)
Texas (us_tx)
Binomial distribution of order 100 (scaled) (binomial100)
Fast reference curve (ref2)
Fast reference curve + 10 days (ref2p10)
Fast reference curve + 3 days (ref2p3)
Fast reference curve + 30 days (ref2p30)
Fast reference curve 10x (ref2x10)
Reference curve (ref1)
Reference curve + 10 days (ref1p10)
Reference curve + 3 days (ref1p3)
Reference curve + 30 days (ref1p30)
Reference curve 10x (ref1x10)
Reference curve with delayed infection (ref3)
Time frame
Here, you may set the time frame to be visible in the graphs.
Set countries