english česky

Countries comparison

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 "The little Coronavirus"
Displaying time period from 1. 3. 2020. 11 countries selected. (settings)


Countries to be compared

Here you may choose the countreis you will work with and which curves will appear in the graphs.






Czech republic by regions



Reference country

Some graphs work with one exceptional country where all other countries are compared to. This country is called the reference country. The reference country is automatically added to the countries to be compared.

Time frame

Here, you may set the time frame to be visible in the graphs.

New cases

Lets start with the daily and weekly confirmed cases graph as a warm up. Now all drawn in a single graph:

And here you may see the same graphs, but rescaled to 100000 citizens:

And here you may see the same graphs again, but scaled to the same size:

R number estimation

This graph shows the estimates for the reproduction number R. It is based on a model, which is very similar to the simplified model used by the Czech Ministry of Health.

Death cases

Cases fatality rate

Total cummulatie cases

Cummulatie cases per capita

Spread speed

This graph shows the spread speed as defined in the methodology:

The ratio graph of daily cases and total cases

You may find more information about the ratio graph on the methodology page.

Normalized ratio graph of daily cases and total cases

This graph is similar to the regular ratio graph of daily/total cases, but the values are also normalized and logarithmed (see the methodology page for more information).

Sum of cases

This graph shows the timeline of the sums of daily cases for all selected countries.

This is the R number estimation for all countries:

And this is the spread speed graph for the daily cases sum timeline:

Cached sources: Dynamic sources: testing page